Street Children are faced with lots of problems today. The situation faced by street children is a result of a wide range of factors, which can sometimes produce extremely complicated situations. They are frequently on the move, looking for ways to make ends meet thus making it difficult to reach them with essential services like healthcare and education. They fail to exercise their right to education because they are focused on providing for their families or for themselves.
A lot of street children today carry the burden of fending for their families. During the day, they work or beg for alms on the streets, and at night, they return to their family’s house; but most of them do not return home. Why?
A great number of children flee from their homes or institutions just to avoid psychological, physical, or sexual abuse. They move around and live in shelters and abandoned structures because they have nowhere else to call home but the streets.
Some children and their families are also homeless because of conflict, poverty, natural disasters, or other reasons; meaning such families will frequently relocate and take their belongings with them anytime they move. Children in such families usually perform street labor alongside other family members.
It is believed children living on the streets in many nations are boys. This may be the case because, in some cultures, girls are viewed as more “useful” for domestic tasks like cooking and caring for younger siblings. However, there may be an equal number of boys and girls living on the streets in other nations.
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Great article